Senin, 27 September 2010


Yay, very simple but it means a lot for me :)
My SanDisk Cruzer finally has been sold for 65K at my first selling posting in kaskus. Less than its order price but not bad for the beginner. Next target is YP-R1. Grab it fast!!!
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Sabtu, 18 September 2010

NEW SanDisk Cruzer Blade black 4GB, USB 2.0 Banting Harga

Mau Jual Flashdisk Cruzer 4Gb, Barangnya 100% baru. Kenapa di jual?? Naa ceritanya tuh kek gini:

Setiap member tim di tempat saia mencari nafkah sekarang..(tzahh..bahasanya :p)
diberikan fasilitas 1-satu- buah flashdisk untuk keperluan troubleshooting. Uhmm bukan diberikan tapi tepatnya dipinjamkan. Kewajiban kita cuman satu, menjaga agar flashdisk pinjaman ini tidak dipinjam sembarangan, raib tanpa terdeteksi or rusak kecuali rusak pas kita buat troubleshoot problem . Suatu ketika flashdisk yang diamanatkan ke saia ini tiba2 tidak bisa saia temukan rimbanya....of course langsung aja panas dingin ama keringat bercucuran, biarpun harganya cuman delapan enem ribu (saia liat di pricelistnya) tapi kan lumayan duit segitu bisa buat beli yakiniku ama mixbowl -slurup =P~ -
Yawda belilah saia di salah satu electronics online shopping terkenal di indo -jakartanotebo*k-, sopannya pas paket usb dateng di kosan, pas juga usb pinjaman ini tiba2 nongol. wedew..jadinya usb baru hasil beli online nganggur sampe ini saia mo menawarkan sapa tau ada yang berminat..detail barangnya kek gini nih:

* Casing plastik warna merah n hitam
* Kapasitas 4GB
* Dimensi (panjang X lebar X tebal) : 40mm X 16mm X 8mm
* Plug and play
* Kecepatan baca : 20MB/s
* Kecepatan tulis : 10Mb/s

Minimum requirements:
* Microsoft windows NT/ 95/ 98/ ME/ 2000/XP SP1 atau generasi setelahnya vista/win7
* Di MAC OS 10.x atau sesudahnya juga jalan gan

* Plug and play
* Gampang digunakan
* Kecil and imut banget gan, bisa muat di kantong or dompet.

* Tidak ada penutup buat cap usb konektornya.

Related review :

* Rp 70.000 BISA NEGO, exclude ongkir.

Fast Response:
* 087877397268

Sebenernya agak aneh juga sii jualan di blog saia ini secara blognya sepi pengunjung...hihihihih
Mais c'est ne pas un problem.... Bon courage !!!! :)

Ayooo...Ayooo...Dibeli...Dibeli.... :p
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Jumat, 03 September 2010

On Sait mieux le francais

Last sunday was my french course's final exam. It was dolorous. Coming late for the frist stage, i almost lost 25 point.
but again it was 'almost' :D . I still have a litle of luck those day, just because i arrived when the test has already begun for about 5 or 10 minutes, i guess
This Ramadhan makes me (*and i assume, all off us) very very sticky to be on my lovely bed.Bad habbit huh?

My favorite lesson is french idiom. Its just a simply put, French idioms are expressions or saying that do not make any sense when we translated word for word or do not translate well, but have meaning to a native speaker. They often carry certain cultural nuances that are relevant for native speaker. For the non-native speaker, french idioms and their meanings simply have to be memorized. We also have a ton of idioms, and some of them are well known and particularly used in daily conversation. just say..uhmmm 'bagai air di daun talas' which refers to somebody with weak convection and et ce tera..
For me, when we know the unique phrase of foreign language it is closely means that we know better the language..Just like the title of my article here. On sait mieux le francais or simply said..We know better french.

Here is a list of common french idioms, followed with their meanings and any relevant historical context.

Avoir le cafard

Translation : Literally translates as to have the beetle.
Meaning : Avoir le cafard has the connotation that you are so bored, you are depressed or lack
all manner of morale.
History : This expression is thought to come from French speaking Alferia. It is said that the
French foreign legion, while in confinemenet, suffered such extreme boredom that
they took to shooting beetles.
In context :
Je ne peux pas terminer, j'ai tellement le cafard!
I am so bored, i can't possibly finish.

Avoir un faime de loup
Translation : Literally means to habe the hunger of a wolf
Meaning : Avoir un faim du loup means to be extremely hungry
History : No particular known history
In context :
Je peux manger tout cela ici, j'ai un faim de loup!
I can eat everything here, i am so hungry!

Bourrer le crâne
Translation : Literally to stuff the brain
Meaning : This expression has the connotation that the person doing the filling doesn't really
know they are talking about. Although it can mean to indoctrinate, it generally does
not refer to an oraganization doing the indoctrination or brainwashing but rather
an ill informed individual.
History : No particular history known.
In context :
Elle bourre le crâne avec des idées stupides.
She is filling her brain with her stupid ideas.

Coup de foudre
Translation : Literally means a bolt or flash of lightening
Meaning : Love at first sight.
History : No particular history known.
In context :
Lors que je l'ai rencontré c'était le coup de foudre.
When i first saw him it was love at first sight.

Dans son assiette or ne pas être dans son assiette
Translation : Literally means to be (or not be) in one's own plate.
Meaning : Dans son assiette means to feel at home or very comfortable. Ne pas être ans son
assiette means that one is feeling under the weather or not quite oneself.
History : No particular history known.
In context :
Je suis dans mons assiette chez toi! I feel at home at your house.
Je suis désolé mais je ne suis pas dans mon assiette aujourd’hui.
I’m sorry, I’m just not feeling myself today.

Devenir chêvre
Translation : Literally to become a goat.
Meaning : This French idiom means to become extremely angry or enraged.
History : Presumably this expression came from the idea that goats are notoriously bad
tempered animals.
In context :
Je vais devenir chêvre si cela se produit.
I’ll be so mad if that happens!

For complete version of French idiom list you can visit these links bellow:


Salut des amis!
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Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Hi there :)

Last post : 21 Juli 2008
Today : 18 Februari 2010
which means udah 1 tahun lebih 6 bulan 28 hari blog ini berstatus no new entry..hiahiahia...
Pertama liat halaman blog ini ,hmm... bingung dalam hati bertanya2 gmn cara edit trus bikin entry baru ya .. *gubraks*
iseng2 liat tulisan sign in, dan disinilah prahara itu dimulai. Of course saia sudah tidak ingat imel dan passwdnya apaan tapi untungnya dengan mengerahkan segala daya dan upaya, dan sedikit sentuhan ilmu kombinasi dan teknik persilangan, misteri hilangnya memori imel dan passwd blog
bisa dipecahkan,namun tetap saja butuh 4 kali mencoba. huhuhu *mrebes mili :'((
Ini salah satu keuntungan bagi anda yang memiliki account dan password sama atau serupa di setiap account yang anda miliki. Agak riskan memang tapi sedikit membantu, Tips lain : simpan semua account yang kita miliki dan simpan dalam folder yang terproteksi. huhu...

But now..hey what should i share?? Arrghh...selama ini aku hanya melihat blog2 milik teman, dan berpikir ko bisa yaa nulis segitu banyakk,kek ga pernah
abis ide buat cerita. "Meraka bilang itu kan cuman masalah kebiasaan dan niat..jangan males lhaa " hmmm..bagoooss dan saia tidak memiliki keduanya.. hempfh
Bagi anda yang udah jadi dewa dalam dunia perbloggingan , mohon petunjuknya ^^
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